Monday, April 15, 2013

Turkish Song

Ya üçgen çizemiyor ya kare çizemiyor
Gerçek şu ki geometrik şekiller var
Öğrenmezsek eğer

Çabamız boşa gider dikdörtgen çizemeyiz
Daireyi bilmeyiz. Şekilleri bilmiyor ve  öğrenmek istiyoruz

Ne çizsem olmuyor
Sabrımı artık zorluyor
Yanlıştan bıktım kalemi kırdım
Mecburen öğren birkaç şekil

Üçgendir benim adım üç köşem üç kenarım
Hep birlikte sayalım bir iki üç bir ki üç

Lay lay lay lay şekilleriz biz

Karedir benim adım dört köşem dört kenarım
Hep birlikte bakalım eşittir dört  kenarım

Lay lay lay lay şekilleriz biz

Dikdörtgen benim adım kısa iki kenarım
Hep birlikte bakalım uzun iki kenarım

Lay lay lay lay şekilleriz biz

Dairedir benim adım yok köşem yok kenarım
Hep birlikte yapalım şimdi daire olalım

Lay lay lay lay şekilleriz biz



He can’t draw a triangle or a square
This is the truth that there are geometrical shapes
İf we don’t learn,

We struggle for nothing. We can’t draw a rectangle
We can’t know a circle. We don’t know the shapes but we want to learn.

I can’t draw anything
I can’t be patient
I get bored with wrong things, I broke my pencil
So you have to learn some shapes

My name is triangle I have 3 corners 3 borders
Let’s count together one two three

Lay lay lay lay we are shapes

My name is square I have 4 corners 4 borders
Let’s look together my all borders are equal

Lay lay lay lay we are shapes

My name is rectangle. My two borders are short
Let’s look together. My two borders are long

Lay lay lay lay we are shapes

My name is circle. I have no corners no borders
Let’s do together now let’s be a circle

Lay lay lay lay we are shapes

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Song about Geometry

Now here it is...

The video of Frank and his class performing their song about geometry.
Here is the translation in English:

comenius, we say thank you
our guests were many people
that´s why we are standing here
with this song for you today

geometry is a language that everyone knows
without borderlines, all countries
sing here together
everyone knows what the other says
so we are united

dikdörtgen is our "Rechteck"    (rectangle)
haromszög is our "Dreieck"       (triangle)
"Würfel" kocka (cube), "Kreis" is kruh                     (circle)
yes, we are learnig more

Ref. geometry ...

djakujem means "Danke Schön"         (thank you)
joräggält is "Guten Morgen"                 (good morning)
merhaba means here "Hallo"               (Hello)
travel good "Flieg ohne Sorgen"          (fly away and don´t worry)

And here`s the german text:

Comenius, wir danken dir     zu Gast bei uns war´n viele Leute
Darum stehen wir jetzt hier mit dem Lied für euch, heute

Geometrie, ist eine Sprache, die jeder versteht
Ohne Grenzen, alle Länder, singen hier miteinander
Jeder weiß gleich, was der andere meint
Und so sind wir vereint

Dikdörtgen heißt unser Rechteck Haromszög ist doch ein Dreieck
Würfel Kocka, Kreis ist Kruh Ja, wir lernen dazu

Ref. Geometrie ...

Djakujem heißt Danke schön Joräggält ist Guten Morgen
Merhaba heißt hier Hallo         Travel good: Flieg ohne Sorgen

Geometry and Art- Germany

Some pupils from Stephanusschule work together on "Geometry and Arts". Their painting is inspired by the famous german painter Paul Klee, who loved to work with geometric forms.

Geometria a magyar műalkotásokban

Brotnyik Sándor: Lámpagyújtó 

 Victor Vasarely (Vásárhelyi  Győző):

Balogh Csaba:

Kelle Antal:

Óváry Géza:

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Party at the German Meeting

Comenius-Meeting at Stephanusschule (Germany)
in September 2012

Some (Nice) Pictures of our Party!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Toys of my Dream

"Toys of my Dream"

The "Toys of my Dream"-Competition took place.

The winner "toy of my dreams" is the "Ecological Tractor" from Slovakia.
Second place went to Germany with "Crane", third to the "Board Game" from Hungary.

Congratulations!!! And lots of Greetings and thanks to all pupils and teachers involved!!!

Have a look at the Pictures here: Toys of my dream